Thursday, January 10, 2013

耶和华 见证人-台湾 分部 (Yēhéhuá Jiànzhèngrén-Táiwān Fēnbù)

On 12/28/2012 we went to the Taiwan Branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses (also known as Bethel :-)
A few facts (don't quote me): There are 34 members at this branch office.  This branch offices serves the needs of 8 circuits that include about 8,753 publishers (this # is growing rapidly).  I think our brothers and sisters at this location are working extra hard!

These beautiful paintings or sketches were created by one of our spiritual brothers who, unfortunately, has no limbs.  Therefore, he accomplishes all of his work by using his mouth!!!!  The attention to detail in his artwork is utterly amazing and the images are very life like.  I wish you could view each up close.  I believe there are a total of eleven paintings hanging in the cafeteria.

A guest room.

What do you think the purpose of this pool is?  Well, the Bethel family can definitely enjoy a cool splash in the summer.  However, it was designed as a reservoir in the event of a fire emergency.  很 聪明!!! (Hěn Cōngmíng) / Very Smart!!!

I just thought this tree was really neat.  It was on the property long before the branch was built and is extremely large.  I don't know what these types of trees are named, but these are found in many places through-out Taipei.  The branches sprout tiny roots that grow down toward the ground, then into the ground almost as if the branches are lowering anchors.  The roots eventually develop into additional branches/trunks.

There are about 15 Kingdom Halls in Taiwan (you can count the white dots); not sure of the exact # of congregations. Also, there are about 2000+ people to every publisher in Taiwan and plenty of territory where the need is greater; mostly rural areas.

First missionary to arrive, in Taiwan, arrived in the 1960's.  From what I understand, the sister in the middle of the photograph was the first missionary.

Recording room (sorry the two photos are  All the Chinese recording, for the website..etc. is done at this branch office.

More artwork; If you would like to, you can read an article about the artist in an issue of the Awake-1976, July 15.  Prior to learning what the bible really teaches, the animals and people in her paintings always had sad eyes.  Now, all the eyes are very happy!!!

Courtesy of Sandy & Xiaowei's family members, as well as the wonderful cooks, we were able to enjoy lunch with the Bethel family.

The couple on the left are the family member's of Sandy & Xiaowei who reside at the branch.  We had the privilege of visiting with them, for a moment, after lunch.  Many of you, in the Central Chinese group may remember them.  When they visited Pittsburgh  a couple of years ago, the husband gave the public talk at one of our Chinese meetings; at that time they served in the circuit work.

When the wife and I met, in Pittsburgh at the time of their visit, we chatted for a while and then took a photo together.  We both remember her saying to me, "You should come to Taiwan".  I think I said something like I would like to, but I am not sure if I ever will.  We couldn't get over the fact that we were reacquainted in Taiwan!

Although, the size of this branch is humble, in comparison to the US branches, there is much more to see than what I posted.  So, I recommend you plan a trip to Taiwan & make this one of your stops :-)


  1. Wow! Cant wait to have you over when you get back! I want to see all the pictures and hear all the stories!

  2. So good to see your pictures. Our brother in the UK has visited Taiwan and says it was beautiful.
