Sunday, December 23, 2012

中國文化大學 (Zhōngguó Wénhuà Dàxué)

We catch the bus to & from school; below is our bus stop.

This gentleman is a part of our morning routine.  He comes along & sweeps up all the leaves & the trash that doesn't make it into the trash can.  He does the entire sidewalk & I have noticed workers like this on other streets in our neighborhood.  As, a result the area we live in has a very clean appearance.

If I do not cook oatmeal, this is our usual breakfast.  The entire meal cost around $1.00USD per person and is freshly made right when you order.  The pancake looking thing is called 蛋饼 Dànbǐng. It is basically a pan fried egg wrap in a slightly thick crêpe. You can add ham or cheese or whatever you like. Very yummy! Once, I asked for veggies to be added & ended up with iceberg lettuce & cucumbers, which wasn't bad, but I haven't asked for veggies again...since I had envisioned peppers & onions...ha.

Before we came Sam stated, "that he wasn't going to bother learning to read/write characters".  He just wanted to improved his conversational skills.  He quickly changed his mind. Learning the characters makes it easier to remember the words.  In addition, it makes much more sense then just relying on the phonetics.  So, far we probably know about a combined total of 20/30 characters (some of which we knew before we came).  Only, 3,970 to go...mmm...on second thought...

Our Chinese Surname.

I really am studying!

A private study room in the library.  The library is awesome, you can eat, drink, and talk in a certain part of it. It also, has a small cafe which caters to us 外国人们 Wàiguó Rénmen (you know this word now, right?) so, I was able to get a regular sandwich on a soft warm piece of french bread.

Yes, this is in the women's lavatory & yes this is the exact angle, I didn't turn the camera.  I need not add any more detail for this photo....

On the MRT, studying after class.  When we are on the MRT Sam claims that people often look or stare at us...he's just delusional!


  1. You are a really good writer, Naomi! Your posts are interesting and entertaining. Keep enjoying yourselves!

  2. This is most impressive. Can't wait for the next installment. We had our circuit assembly this weekend. It was also the Kemps last meeting before they to Belize.

  3. hey sam and naomi! it sounds like you guys are having an amazing trip. you guys are rock stars! all your hard work is going to pay off. thanks for sharing your trip with us. we miss you guys!

  4. Nimen hao! Teach me some characters when you come back. I'm so happy for you to have this wonderful experience.

  5. I am loving the blog! Can't wait to have you guys over when you get back. And yes, Naomi your posts are most interesting.

    1. This is some good stuff now I can stop watching my stories and reality tv:)

  6. lol... So the staring is just like in Europe? Love it!
    SSo lovely to read of your adventures! More entries please!
