Friday, January 11, 2013

花蓮 & 太魯閣國家公園 (Huālián & Tàilǔgé Guójiā Gōngyuán)

We visited probably one of the most beautiful, scenic places we have ever seen, 1/3-5/2013.  The location is the 太魯閣國家公園 (Tàilǔgé Guójiā Gōngyuán/Taroke National Park-Gorge) which is in or near the city of 花蓮 (Huālián).  In the past when I would hear the words "Stunning" or "Breathtaking" I often thought "YA-YAWN". But, seriously this place is Stunning, Breathtaking, & Awe-inspiring:-)

It is the beginning of January and there are trees budding with lovely flowers.

We finally got to take a dip in one of the natural hot springs! The water had different temperatures depending on if you sat very close to the source or a little away from it.We met an older Chinese couple, they live in the area, who told us they come down to this particular hot spring every day. When we felt our skin the next day it felt like a baby's bottom.  I wish I could come here every day.

We walked through a few of these carved out tunnels along one of the trails.  We could hear the bats chirping at us, particularly when we spoke.  So, needless to say we decided not to say much on the way back...hahaha

The water gets it color from all the minerals.  Also, the massive stones you see are solid marble with various shades of color from dark to light.

I don't now if you can see them well, but there are two waterfalls pouring out of the mountains. The mountains are so large we couldn't even see where the two began; this was my favorite spot.  Although, I was not about to cross the suspension bridge for a closer peek.  We had to cross one, earlier in the day, to get down to the natural hot spring.  It was so high and narrow and I was so scared; one suspension bridge is enough for my lifetime!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

耶和华 见证人-台湾 分部 (Yēhéhuá Jiànzhèngrén-Táiwān Fēnbù)

On 12/28/2012 we went to the Taiwan Branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses (also known as Bethel :-)
A few facts (don't quote me): There are 34 members at this branch office.  This branch offices serves the needs of 8 circuits that include about 8,753 publishers (this # is growing rapidly).  I think our brothers and sisters at this location are working extra hard!

These beautiful paintings or sketches were created by one of our spiritual brothers who, unfortunately, has no limbs.  Therefore, he accomplishes all of his work by using his mouth!!!!  The attention to detail in his artwork is utterly amazing and the images are very life like.  I wish you could view each up close.  I believe there are a total of eleven paintings hanging in the cafeteria.

A guest room.

What do you think the purpose of this pool is?  Well, the Bethel family can definitely enjoy a cool splash in the summer.  However, it was designed as a reservoir in the event of a fire emergency.  很 聪明!!! (Hěn Cōngmíng) / Very Smart!!!

I just thought this tree was really neat.  It was on the property long before the branch was built and is extremely large.  I don't know what these types of trees are named, but these are found in many places through-out Taipei.  The branches sprout tiny roots that grow down toward the ground, then into the ground almost as if the branches are lowering anchors.  The roots eventually develop into additional branches/trunks.

There are about 15 Kingdom Halls in Taiwan (you can count the white dots); not sure of the exact # of congregations. Also, there are about 2000+ people to every publisher in Taiwan and plenty of territory where the need is greater; mostly rural areas.

First missionary to arrive, in Taiwan, arrived in the 1960's.  From what I understand, the sister in the middle of the photograph was the first missionary.

Recording room (sorry the two photos are  All the Chinese recording, for the website..etc. is done at this branch office.

More artwork; If you would like to, you can read an article about the artist in an issue of the Awake-1976, July 15.  Prior to learning what the bible really teaches, the animals and people in her paintings always had sad eyes.  Now, all the eyes are very happy!!!

Courtesy of Sandy & Xiaowei's family members, as well as the wonderful cooks, we were able to enjoy lunch with the Bethel family.

The couple on the left are the family member's of Sandy & Xiaowei who reside at the branch.  We had the privilege of visiting with them, for a moment, after lunch.  Many of you, in the Central Chinese group may remember them.  When they visited Pittsburgh  a couple of years ago, the husband gave the public talk at one of our Chinese meetings; at that time they served in the circuit work.

When the wife and I met, in Pittsburgh at the time of their visit, we chatted for a while and then took a photo together.  We both remember her saying to me, "You should come to Taiwan".  I think I said something like I would like to, but I am not sure if I ever will.  We couldn't get over the fact that we were reacquainted in Taiwan!

Although, the size of this branch is humble, in comparison to the US branches, there is much more to see than what I posted.  So, I recommend you plan a trip to Taiwan & make this one of your stops :-)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

我们 的 第一 个 天 去过 传道了 (Wǒmen de dì yī gè tiān qùguò chuándàole)

12/15/12 was our first day out in the door to door volunteer bible education work (field service). Yay!

Sam had hand written a brief presentation in 汉语拼音 (Hànyǔ Pīnyīn) for the magazine offer for the month of December. I decided to just wing it :)  Hànyǔ Pīnyīn is an official system to transcribe Chinese characters into Latin script, it is based off of other forms of romanization.  It was developed in the 1950's in China.  Taiwan actually has a few of their own phonetic systems, but I think they have adopted Hànyǔ Pīnyīn as well. 

Sam took this photo while walking...all the sides streets, so far, basically look like alleyways.  The territory is flat, which is nice, but almost every home is an apartment with about 5 floors and 10 small sets of stairs. I would say that about every other door, we were able to get in and knock on each door.  If we could not get in then we used the intercoms.  For this rainy time of year, getting in and walking up and down the flights of stairs was nice.  However, I think that in the summer time this would be very brutal for a 外国 人(Wàiguó rén).  It was very warm and humid that day and there was no occasional cool breeze to offer some relief, so I can just imagine what it would feel like in the summer...

Our Taiwanese brothers and sisters are smart!  The brother taking the lead would direct us so that after we would finish a completed cubic block  or two we all in the exact same location.  Then...we would take a break to just hang out, chit chat, or play with a neighbor's dog.  At, first, I was a bit taken back by this.  I was thinking what are we doing? and won't the people in the neighborhood get upset at us?  But, this is one of many cultural differences that is a wonderful thing.  The neighbors weren't the least bit irritated, they even joined in on our comradery sometimes...haha!

After we finished the territory for that morning, we ate at this lovely Italian restaurant (yep Italian).  It is behind us with the yellow sign and no the people that own it are not Italian.  It was delicious and honestly the first meal I actually enjoyed!  We have gone again after field service and I ordered the exact same thing so that I didn't spoil my wonderful memory of yummy food I recognize  and like.  No offense intended to anyone who appreciates Taiwanese cuisine.

We joined Charlie and Sandy for afternoon field service in a nearby park.

The first tract (the Family Tract) has a kite on it, which I don't recall the one we use in the states having a kite  in the scene.  Also, I personally have never even seen the second tract.  Have you?  I believe it discusses fate. 很有意思(Hěnyǒu Yìsi) or interesting.

We bumped into a sister (on my right) having a bible study with her student (on Sam's left) in the park.  This sister goes to our congregation  and her bible student attends every Sunday meeting, as well.

Foot Stone Path...ouch!

This gentleman and his wife were walking up and down this path as if they were walking on fluffy down pillows.  Many locals go to the parks to walk these paths several times each day.  The gentleman actually insisted that Sam walk with him back and forth on the entire path.  Sam cannot resist a challenge so he did.  It was quite comical to watch.  

I offered him a tract.